Principal Investigator

Desmond Ong

Desmond Ong, Ph.D.

desmond (dot) ong (at)
Desmond is an assistant professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Texas at Austin. A cognitive scientist by training, he is interested in how people empathize with and understand the emotions of those around them (Affective Cognition), with the goal of building better technology that can help us become better versions of ourselves, such as through better empathy or better well-being (Affective Computing).

Postdoctoral Researchers

Eliana Hadjiandreou

Eliana Hadjiandreou, Ph. D.

eliana (dot) hadjiandreou (at)
I received my PhD at Penn State University as part of the Empathy and Moral Psychology lab. I am also a former visiting Crawford fellow in Ethical Inquiry at the Stanford Social Neuroscience Lab at Stanford University. I consider myself a moral psychologist, broadly interested in altruism, empathy, and prosocial behavior, and specifically studying how we think about, are surprised by, and sometimes (negatively) judge the kindness of others.

Graduate Students

Emma Gueorguieva

Emma Gueorguieva

emmagueorguieva (at)
I am a second-year PhD student broadly interested in using natural language processing (NLP) to study how people’s language use relates to their cognitive states, affective states, and empathic responses. Currently, I’m working on a variety of research projects using large language models, gamification, and more to gain a deeper understanding of empathy. Additionally, I am affiliated with the UT Austin NLP and Computational Linguistics Group.
Yoon Kyung Lee

Yoon Kyung Lee

yoonlee78 (at)
(Visiting Ph.D. student for 2023-2024)
I am passionate about building empathetic AIs that promote people's well-being and productivity. As a fifth-year Ph.D. candidate at Seoul National University, my research interests include using a computational approach (specifically, NLP) to assess empathy, training psychological concepts such as Theory-of-Mind into neural network models, and developing AI chatbots that produce empathetic responses in tune with human preferences. Currently, I am exploring the potential of recent large language models (LLMs) and related methods (e.g., Chain-of-Thought, RLHF) for empathetic conversational AIs.

Lab Coordinator

Purna Zaman

Purna Zaman

purnazaman (at)
Recently having graduated with my BA in Psychology from UT Austin in May 2023, I am interested in social psychology and the impacts our environments have on our cognition. With my minor in sociology, I have grown to be increasingly devoted to understanding how social challenges like implicit biases or other disparities affect our behaviors and our brains. In the CASCog Lab, I believe understanding how machine learning can become biased toward underserved populations is a needed field that must also remain morally and ethically aware.

Research Affiliates

Shaina Munin

Shaina Munin

smunin (at)
I am a fourth-year PhD candidate in Social/Personality Psychology at UT Austin working primarily with Dr. Jennifer Beer. Currently, I am collaborating with the CASCog Lab on projects aiming to understand the language individuals use to express and regulate emotions. I am broadly interested in studying the impacts of emotion in social interactions, with an emphasis on individual differences in emotionality.
Nyx L. Ng

Nyx L. Ng

nyx (at)
I am a PhD candidate working primarily with the Social Cognition Lab at UT Austin. My primary research program on morality is concerned with understanding (1) factors underlying moral judgments, beliefs, and perceptions, and (2) the consequences of moral disagreements and misguided moral perceptions. My secondary research program on misinformation is concerned with uncovering (1) factors underlying misinformation susceptibility and (2) potential ways of counteracting the problem. I am currently collaborating with the CASCog lab on projects investigating the links between empathy and morality.
Varsha Suresh

Varsha Suresh

Former Ph.D. student at NUS
Humans are capable of identifying and reasoning about others' emotions. Can we enable computers to do the same? This is the fundamental question that drives my research. Currently, I am working towards modeling emotions at a fine-grained level and transferring knowledge from existing emotion theories into deep-learning models to improve their interpretability. In my free time, I love trying out new recipes and exploring places.
Gerard Yeo

Gerard Yeo

Former Ph.D. student at NUS
To construct truly intelligent machines, I believe we should strive to research and innovate beyond mere perception tasks (computer vision, speech recognition etc.) to cognition (e.g. higher order cognition such as emotion detection and modelling). The primary question that I would like to tackle in my work is how do we model theories of emotions in Artificial Intelligence such that the performance of emotion detection is enhanced? Specifically, could we specify domain theories of emotions (e.g. Appraisal Theory) to model emotion detection and reasoning in computers? Other research interests of mine include emotion detection using data from various modes such as facial expressions, text, speech, and physiology.
Wu Zhengxuan

Wu Zhengxuan

I am a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Stanford University. I am interested in explainable and robust deep learning models in NLP as well as sentiment analysis in general. I am also broadly interested in topics bridging cognitive science and computer science. Originally, I am from Hangzhou in China.

Research Assistants

Mariana Aguirre

Mariana Aguirre

ma59888 (at) my (dot)
I am a third-year undergraduate student at UT Austin majoring in psychology. I am broadly interested in the intersection of personality, cognitive states, and affect. I am also interested in the social psychology behind reality tv shows. In my free time, I enjoy hanging out with my friends, doing crafts, and working out.
Connor Pickett

Connor Pickett

connor (dot) pickett (at)
I am an undergraduate at UT Austin pursuing a degree in psychology with a keen interest in behavioral and cognitive psychology. Fascinated by how our minds work, I want to understand human behavior and the underlying cognitive processes. I am also drawn to statistics and data science. My goal is to merge my love for psychology with quantitative analysis through the intersection of these fields. In my spare time, I enjoy working out, hanging out with friends, and learning how to cook!
Eleanor Schottman

Eleanor Schottman

eleanorschottman (at)
I am a third-year Psychology BA student with a minor in Educational Psychology. I am interested in understanding empathy, compassion, and interpersonal relationships. I hope to explore how these concepts manifest in school settings, with a focus on social-emotional learning. Additionally, I am fascinated by the intersection of psychology and sports, particularly how anxiety, self-esteem, and motivation impact athletes. After graduation, I am planning on attending graduate school. I enjoy playing soccer, reading, and being outdoors in my free time!
Ryan Truong

Ryan Truong

ryantruong (at)
I am a UT Austin psychology undergraduate student who is interested in attending graduate school. I am currently captivated by the intersection between affective psychology and computer science. In my free time I like to rock-climb, play retro video games, and hang out with friends.
Emily Yang

Emily Yang

jy24497 (at)
I am a psychology senior at UT Austin. I am interested in how emotion and empathy can be improved and evaluated, as well as their benefits and deficiencies. I am also broadly interested in how human psychology and technology-mediated social contexts interact to shape our emotions and intergroup attitudes. I like to read, stroll, and try different types of tea and chocolate in my free time.

Lab Alumni

Dennis Teo
: Was: Ph.D. Student in Information Systems at NUS
Phoebe Chua
: Was: Ph.D. Student in Information Systems at NUS
Lim Hui Yan
: Was: Research Assistant at NUS
Kingsley Kuan Jun Hao
: Was: NUS Undergraduate Research Programme (UROP) student
Ang Zheng Yong
: Was: NUS Undergraduate Research Programme (UROP) student
Kong Yan San
: Was: NUS Final Year Project (FYP) student (SoC Outstanding Computing Project Prize!)
Terence Lim
: Was: NUS Final Year Project (FYP) student (NUS Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher!)
Tan Zhi-Xuan
: Was: A*STAR Research Engineer, Now: Ph.D. Student at MIT